Family, Friends & Myspace
Current mood: Category: Life It's easy to lose to touch with people. We get busy, become focused on "our stuff," and without realizing or intending it, we suddenly haven't spoken with this person or another in years. But the cool thing about some people, whether family or friends, is that they want to reconnect just as much as you do. It doesn't matter WHY you lost touch, it just matters that you're open to getting BACK in touch. In the past few months I've reconnected with family and friends that I haven't seen in SO long. Today my cousin found me and I haven't seen her in well over two decades! The bonus? She lives with another cousin of mine that I haven't seen in an even longer time! I've also reconnected with friends from college (yay WB!) and highschool (go Bears!). There are a lot of negative things said about Myspace and other online friendship sites, and I'm sure many of those things can be validated. I hate to think that there are creepy people out there taking advantage of naive and innocent people and children. But for the record, my experience online has been 98% positive and I'm really thankful for Myspace. Not only have I reconnected with friends and family but I've been able to keep up with my current friends and I've made some new friends, too. I just wanted to say that. |
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