Caught up in my thoughts tonight
Couldn't explain if I wanted to
Couldn't even put up a fight

There's a problem for sure
but nothing like I've let on
nothing quite so pure

This is more than a seven year itch
more than angst or vicious cycle
this is hurt so deep there's a hitch

I try to give it over - hand it off
But then I wrench it away from You
Taking it back as if to scoff

You can't handle this, only I can.
Even if you are God almighty
Even if I am only a daughter of man

But oh...
How much I fear
How much I hurt
How I would love for You to pry open my fingers
Strong love gently peeling back each
stubborn digit until finally
Hands open
Palms up
I give it to You
and You take the cup
I say, "it is finished"
and I die to myself.

But You do not make
You urge
You do not take
You offer
My will must break
for You to refashion
Why not me?
Why not now?
How come I can't get it right?
Please show me how!


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