Patience: A Royal Pain

March 18, 2010 - Thursday

Current mood: creative
Category: Life
I know me pretty well. I have been me for quite some time now, and during this time I have taken it upon myself to get to know me as much as humanly possible. In saying that you would surely think that I would understand how my personal time tables work and be patient with the processes. Guess again. I think I am more impatient with myself than anyone else... and I don't really even know "anyone else" very well, so the fact that I have more patience for them than I do my own self, well, you see where I'm going with this!

I mean, people talk about things they would do if they were a super hero, and say they would have this or that super power.

Screw flying or x-ray vision!

I want MY super power to be PATIENCE, 'cuz this whole waiting game thing is a ROYAL PAIN! Healing is hard enough without having to wait for it. I want that little super packed wrist watch thingy that the Predator guys have, that way if I get hurt I can either open up the handy-dandy extra-terrestrial first aide kit and fix my own owie, or if it looks like I'm gonna die from my wounds anyway then I have the option of pulling the plug myself! I just punch in the cryptic extra-terrestrial number sequence, hit the "go" button (well, I think it's a go button, I don't really read Predator so I can only guess) and do that scary Predator laugh that is actually an imitation of the laugh of some guy I have already killed...

Okay, maybe I've taken the analogy a bit far, but I think you get my meaning.

All I'm really saying is that patience can be painful. Waiting to get over something, whether it's an illness, the death of a loved one, or even the end of a relationship, can really hurt. I have a hard enough time waiting for my turn in the espresso drive-thru line. Sure I recognize that the inadequacy is within, I'm not putting the blame on anyone else, that would be foolish. I'm just struggling with my place in this process called "life" and hoping a little humorous venting will keep me from trying to find myself one of those wrist watches. I mean, I might dislike being patient and having to wait, but that's NOTHING compared to my dislike of space travel!


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