Friends, Books, and Bulldogs: Part 1
"Y'know what? I don't mince words. I try to speak kindly, and often with humor, but I don't play games. I'm not passive aggressive. I speak my mind, make known my needs and concerns, and converse openly and, for the most part, without judgment towards the opinions and comments of others. I am as honest and humble as I can be when it comes to admitting my faults and shortcomings: the laundry list of which is long and tiresome. I make no bones about being a work in progress. I don't seek admiration for my honesty, I'd just like the same in return. I think I've decided that I just don't have time for anything other than a genuine existence and genuine relationships. I cannot be who I'm not and I don't expect anyone else to be who they are not. In light of this fact I realize there comes a time when you have to sort through things and keep the stuff that fits and works, and discard, regardless of sentiment, the things that don't fit and don...