Shhhhhh. It's a Secret

September 28, 2007 - Friday

Current mood: anxious
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Have you ever had a secret you desperately wanted to tell everyone? It almost burns on the tongue it's so spicy! It's like being under water and holding your breath until your lungs are about to burst and then finally when you can't take it any more you come up for air. It's exciting but it's also aggravating as HECK!

I've got this secret that I literally want to shout from the rooftops. My lungs aren't quite at bursting point, but they are close. I know I'll be able to tell it soon, I think, but I can't right now because not everyone has my best interest at heart. If I let the secret out of the bag to everyone then it might come back and smack me right between the eyes. I do NOT want to be smacked right between the eyes with regard to this situation... it would provoke me to feel and think and do SO many negative things LOL.

This is one of those times when the immature part of me wants to beg God to, "Hurry up, please!!!" What is holding me back?

I will wait on the Lord, I will wait for His word. Before I move, before I speak, perfect wisdom I will seek and I will wait as long as it takes. I will wait on the Lord. I will wait on the Lord.
-Twila Paris

Some of you already know, but I can't wait to tell the rest of you!

I love you!


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