Tex Mex or Sushi... An Update

October 12, 2008 - Sunday

Current mood: tired
Category: Life
Today I'm packing up the Lemon Souffle room at the old house and moving into the new house with the parents. (The parents' new house is the brother's old house - FYI - and is about 500 feet away from the brother's new house... Didja get all that?) Anyway, I'm not actually moving in until tomorrow, but I'm in the process of getting my stuff ready to move. Joshie will come over tomorrow and help me move the bed and that's it, it will be done. I have to go through the trailer where all my stuff is, where it's been since January, and decide what to keep, what to store, and what might sell in a garage sale in October... maybe I'll "Craig's List" some of it. All of this in light of what may or may not be happening in the near future.

Last week - Tuesday - I had an interview with a recruiter from the MeySen Academy. The school is in Sendai, Japan, but the recruiter did the phone interview from Tacoma, WA. The interview went really well... at least I think it went well. I don't want to be overconfident or anything. I guess I can say that I felt like there was a really cool connection between the recruiter and me, and if the hour and a half interview is any indicator of whether I will get the job then I think it might happen. There will be round two interviews in Seattle at the end of October or beginning of November. Next week I should find out whether or not I'll get a second interview. I pray I get another interview, and I pray I get the job.

Last week - Saturday - I had a conversation with my biological mother about coming to Texas. Initially I had wanted to try and drive down so I could take as much stuff as possible. I also thought it might be cool to go through Vegas just to say I'd done it. After talking with my mom and dad, however, I realized it would cost SO much and it would simply be cheaper to fly. Well, the call from the bio-mother was an attempt to re-open that option only she wanted to extend it and make it a two-week road trip. My initial gut reaction was, "No." My secondary gut reaction was, "No" as well. It was weird. I told her I didn't really want to do it, that I'd been living out of my suitcase since January and I really just wanted to get there and get settled in. I offered some other legitimate reasons as well, and just said I wasn't up for it right now. Her response was really immature and it kind of surprised me. It was like she was bitter at me because I didn't want to do what she wanted: her tone was really pissy and her words were passive aggressive. I thought, "Hmmm, am I trading one mess for another?" I'm reserving judgment for now. I'm waiting on the Lord.

The original plan was to leave for Texas the weekend of October 31. I'm not sure about that now. I'm not sure about anything except that I have to finish some office work here at the brother's house, maybe eat some dinner if I'm feeling social, and then go home to finish packing. My mom's birthday is today and it's pretty lame that she's downstairs making dinner for a whole slough of people... I didn't even know she was here until I got here, and she was elbow deep in Mexican food. I feel bad because we didn't really do anything for her birthday - I suppose I could have taken her to lunch or something. Then again I asked her about tomorrow, but she told me she's too busy to do anything tomorrow (I asked her about going somewhere after church) so today's answer probably would have been the same. Moving stinks, and she's really tired from doing most of the work by herself (her choice) so maybe it will be a working birthday weekend.

Okay, so dinner is ready, I'll go now. Please be praying for me and my "waiting."

God is good.


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