October 19, 2008 - Sunday
Current mood: Category: Life Next Sunday, the 26th, I'll leave at the crack of dawn to drive up to Seattle for my second interview with the MeySen Academy. I don't know how many other candidates there are and I don't really know how many positions they have open, so I can't even begin to guess my odds. Odds or not, if God wants me to go then I'll be going, good odds or not. I am cautiously excited. I don't like deciding things solely on feelings. Dr. Dobson asked a good question when he wrote the book, "Feelings: Can you trust them?" I know for a fact I can't trust mine. But there is this SENSE I have, this calmness... maybe even a confidence? It's there and it makes me think I might be going. I don't know for sure though... don't guess I will until they tell me. LOL. In the mean time I am still waiting. It's funny, I heard "my song" the other day: Switchfoot's "Dare You To Move." It seems like I only hear it when something is about to change. Hunh: the mystery of speculation. LOL. Next week, my plan, Lord willing, is to run by a couple of temp agencies and see if I can get some gigs working in an office some where. It's great (sarcasm here) that the economy is so good right now... I should have NO problems finding work. Meh, I'm not going to sweat it. I can't. Worrying or being anxious will not solve a single problem, it won't get me more hours at work, won't get me another job, won't make home life any better. I just can't allow myself to take that on - it's worthless. God's word speaks to that effect and I can speak to it from experience. Alright. It's late and I gotta scoot home. Shoot, these days I can walk from the office to our house. That's kind of nice. Yeah, I'm still using the office computer to do most of my online stuff. Not sure why I haven't received my "birthday present" yet... I thought at first it might be because things are bad all over and buying a new computer was out of the question right now. I even offered to not have it if they needed it. MJ assured me they were still planning on giving it to me... I just don't know when, and I didn't feel right asking why they hadn't given it to me yet. I'm waiting these days... for a few things. LOL. |
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