Dude... Where have you/I been?

Dude... Seriously... How long has it been? Years?

Yeah... years...

So… what happened?

So, so, much. So much. Wow, I'm tearing up just thinking about how much.

Cuz it was so bad?

No, no... not bad, not all of it. Not even most of it... Just a lot... and I haven't-

Haven't what?

I haven't... thought enough about it.
Journaled enough about it.
Prayed enough about it.

Partially digested?

Yes! Maybe not even half way.

I get it.

(Sigh.) I figured I would.

Don't stress.

But maybe I should stress? I mean, not "stress-stress" but you know...

Yeah. Maybe. Maybe just deal?

Yeah, deal.

Okay then... so deal.

Okay. I'll deal.



Dude... I'm glad you're/I'm back.


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